There are two English translations of the 1921 series of essays, Vers une architecture. The 2007 cover captures the duality of the book – the engineering aesthetic of the automobile and the timeless beauty of the Parthenon
Figure 3.
The kotatsu, a traditional Japanese household furnishing re-imagined with electricity.
Figure 4.
People interacting within and with the interactive space Ada. (Image courtesy of Rodney Douglas.
Figure 5.
A view of WOHA’s Kampung Admiralty from an interior vantage point. (Courtesy of Richard Hassell; Photo credit Patrick Bingham-Hall.)chard Hassell; Photo credit Lim Weixiang.
Figure 6.
Kampung Admiralty viewed within the larger Singapore cityscape. (Courtesy of Ri-chard Hassell; Photo credit Lim Weixiang.)